Writing a Response to Complaint Letter

Writing a Response to Complaint LetterComplaints usually stem from a less satisfactory service or relations.

Frequently, this may be due to an error on the part of your company – mistakes in an error, regular

Here are simple tips, templates and examples for writing effective responses to letter of complaints.

This approach is most apt for private consumers and for business to business customers who seek positive results from their responses.

The principles apply to complaints emails and phone calls too, although letters remain generally reliable and effective method.

Effective responses should be:

  • Concise
  • Assertive
  • Factual
  • Constructive
  • Comprehensible

Concise letters could be understood quickly. It addresses the complaint directly and poses question to resolve the situation.

Assertiveness will present all factual information on the case clearly and in a professional tone. Constructive areas will clear up any misunderstanding our will reprieve itself for any inconsistencies in any service or modes of conduct.

It should also be comprehensible details supported by substantial information.

A few tips for responding a complaint letter:

  • Be humble even if you think the customer is wrong. Start from understanding that there may be something to learn from the complaint letter.
  • Thank the customer for her/his written concerns.
  • Directly address the concerns and indicate what steps you will take to resolve the situation.
  • Consider offering the customer a form of compensation for her/his frustrations. e.g. a simple 20% discount for his/her next order as a show of gratitude.
  • Thank the customer for his/her time.

Response to Complaint Letter Template:

Dear _____________,

We appreciate you taking time to contact us to explain the issues that have occurred recently with our [Name of Product or Service].

We regret to have caused any inconvenience you may have experienced, and we assure you that we are anxious to restore our partnership as a satisfied customer.

Our Customer Satisfaction Team is reviewing the information you sent us and conducting a full investigation in order to resolve this matter fairly.

If you need further assistance, you may contact us at [phone, e-mail address, and physical address].

At the conclusion of our investigation, we will contact you about our findings. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to assist you.


[Correspondent’s Signature]

[Correspondent Full Name Print]

[Corresponded Position]

[Correspondent’s Email]

[List any additional Encloses]

Writing a Response to Complaint Letter

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