Europass Cv Sample for Human Resources Department

CV REVIEWEuropass Cv Sample for Human Resources Department

Appearance & Classification

Your cv is very enough. You have prefered to use the Europass cv template. Because of it; there is nothing to say about the appearance of your cv.

  • You should pay attention to text alignment and the margins.
  • Be careful about the parts, the rest of any part shouldnt be on the other page.


There are some spelling mistakes, highlighted in your CV.

P.S: If you prepare your CV for a specific workplace and a specific position, then it would be much more effective to deliver it with a cover letter. See example cover letters here: how to write a cover letter

We cannot be sure that we identify all the points that can better your CV, however if you benefit from this free service of ours, please share it with your friends.

ORIGINAL RESUMEEuropass Cv Sample for Human Resources Department

Personal information:

First name(s) / Surname(s): John Angelios



E-mail(s): John [email protected]

Nationality: Bulgarian

Date of birth: 01 October 1950

Gender: Male

Desired employment / Occupational field: Trainee in the Human Resources Department

Work experience:

Dates : 14 September 2008 – 01 October 2011

Occupation or position held: Copartner & Sales manager

Main activities and responsibilities: As manager my key activity was the creation of a market for the products of the brand that I represent. Giving much needed technical and marketing support to my distributors and clients.

  • Managing relations with key and corporate clients.
  • Communicate with Chinese manufacturers and Bulgarian suppliers.
  • My main goal was to create and keep new clients, by introducing working solutions, or expertize.

Name and address of employer: Old dugles Ltd (address)

Type of business or sector: Retail, trading and technical solutions

Dates : 02 March 2007 – 09 September 2008

Occupation or position held: Office manager

Main activities and responsibilities:

My main responsibilities were:

  • To have a contact (live, by telephone, by e-mail) with corporate clients;
  • To answer all the questions connected with the products the company is trading;
  • To keep an eye on the process of working in the office (to organise sending ordered products to the clients );
  • To balance the company€™s accounts.

Name and address of employer: Young johnes Ltd (address)

Type of business or sector: Manufacturing and trading

Education and training:

Dates : 01 October 2011 – now

Title of qualification awarded: Master of Organizational Behavior and Consulting of Organisations

Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Organizational culture, Advertising, Management, Social Psychology, Economic Psychology, etc.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Plovdiv University (University) Plovdiv(Bulgaria)

Level in national or international classification: Master’s degree

Dates: 01 October 2007 – 01 July 2011

Title of qualification awarded : Preschool Pedagogy and foreign language (English)

Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Philosophy, Psychology, Linguistics, intensive learning of English (most of the courses are connected with reading and translating from English books and studies).

Name and type of organisation providing education and training: Plovdiv University (University) Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Level in national or international classification: Bachelor’s degree

Dates : 15 September 2002 – 31 May 2007

Principal subjects / occupational skills covered: Intensive learning of English (70% of the studies were in English); Learning German as a second language.

Name and type of organisation providing education and training: 12 €œTzar Boris II€ (High school) Sofia (Bulgaria)

Level in national or international classification: Secondary education

Personal skills and competences:

Mother language(s): Bulgarian

Other language(s): English , German

Understanding Speaking Writing
Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production
C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C1 Proficient user C2 Proficient user
A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User A2 Basic User

(*) Common European Framework of Reference (CEF) level

Social skills and competences: Team working, correctitude, responsible, communicative, easily adaptive to the working atmosphere, enterprising, with a special common touch according to the situation.

Organisational skills and competences: Good experience with creating and leading of a work team, in participation at any tenders of complex projects. Good analytical skills when managing incoming information from more than one source.

Computer skills and competences: Extensive work with MS Office products – Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook.

Artistic skills and competences:

  • Open-minded, pro-active, reliable and artistic person, who can take a challenges;
  • Ability to work independently and in a teamwork to achieve a goal.

Driving licence(s): B

Additional information: Persanal Interests

Enjoy all sports particularly volleyball and running. Love bicycling. At the weekends I continue to improve my German at the language center I am attending.


  • High school diploma;
  • Diploma of bachelor’s degree;
  • German language certificate (level A2).
Europass Cv Sample For Human Resources 01
Cv Sample For Human Resources 01

Europass Cv Sample For Human Resources 02
Cv Sample For Human Resources 02

Europass Cv Sample For Human Resources 03
Cv Sample For Human Resources 03

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )